1-14-13 I Have Started Non Structured Training

So I have been kinda doing a half hearted training regime since I started running again. This time it's a bit harder. I am waiting to start running with my training group starting next week. So I haven't been putting my all into my runs. I was able to push it up to an 8:34 pace while running today and sustained it for over 2 minutes. I stopped and went down to my 13:00 minute pace and struggled regaining my breath after that. The second time I started at that pace today (I was supposed to run x2 quarter mile segments at that pace), I lost control of my breath and my right knee started bothering me. I finished off that mile at a slower pace than I was aiming for. Then I walked most of my last half mile. My knee is still bothering me, it hurts to go up and down stairs (until the inflammation goes down), so ibuprofen here I come. I think cross training and strength training may help to improve what ever is going on.

I am looking forward to next week, when my training group starts, I will have someone who will help push me in my training schedule and other people to run with. I am hoping to gain a lot from this training experience.

Diet wise I am still struggling to keep in my allotted calorie amount. I know it's a shocker since Saturday nothing has changed. But today is looking good. I just needed a healthy look at the scale to scare me into line again. I have gone back over 300 lbs. Not by much, but still I am over the 300 lbs. mark and don't like it. I shouldn't be surprised since it was the holidays, finals, and a recovery period that last one week too many. I am finding that I have to plan to really be successful with getting the right amount of calories in each day. Today will be a little easier since I worked out and that gives me a handful of extra calories to work with.

On the school from I have updated my illustration blog with an assignment I turned in yesterday. I am starting the work on 2 new pieces, one is the metaphor His home was his prison and the other is an illustration on the word Search. I am going to work on the metaphor piece right now, so have a great day and thanks for reading.



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