1-17-14 The quick post that never was

My run today was good, I was able to power past the discomfort in my right knee and finish my run trending how I should be, in a decrease in time with each mile. I read other blogs about runners and see they are getting in miles at a 6 minute or 8 minute pace. It can be discouraging to read, but then I remind myself I have only been running for just over 8 months and am still hovering around 300 lbs. So I am able to not get down because of that. So if you are just starting out or have been at this running thing a while, keep in mind where you have come from. But to improve, write down where you want to be, and strive for. That's what I have to do, and it's hard, but when you finish that first race you feel great. When i finished my first big race (The Halloween Half) I was euphoric. Nothing mattered accept I ran that race to the best of my ability at that time. Even now I am looking at that metal and think of how it felt to put it on after I finished running, then how much I wanted to sit down and eat bananas and oranges. Now here I am prepping for my second half marathon and Ragnar. I look forward to that feeling again as I cross that finish line.
If you have never run a race, or have never had that euphoria after running, keep at it. It will come. Don't judged if you ran the whole thing or walked the whole thing as a defeat, the fact you finished is in and of itself a victory. My first 5k was the Wasatch wellness run. I thought i was going to fly through that without having to stop and walk. It turns out I hadn't conditioned myself to run outside yet, and I had a long way to go in my training. I now run a 5k every time I go running, and think about how I have improved. That's what I have loved about running so far, it's a competition against myself (and that person in front of me who I just need to pass). But facing down you in a run is rewarding. After I ran the 4 mile Turkey Trot as fast as my first 5k a week before my marathon I realized I had come a long way.
I know I said this would be short, but when you find something you have a passion for as you write it just comes out. Last thing, my calorie control is tough. I did good yesterday until I got home and some of Silvia's friends had brought over magic bars... They are amazing and my sweet tooth craves them periodically. I also had Taco Bell yesterday that put me up to my near max calorie amount, and it had a funny taste that I identified as regret.
Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!
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