1-21-14 Direction With Training!

Tuesday: Easy 3 miles
Thursday: 2 mile warm up, then 6x20x20 (I think she means 6 sets of 20 second sprint, then 20 second jog, so that's what I'll do)
Saturday: Either a 4 or 5 mile long run
She is giving me one easy day, one speed day, and one long day. I think I will talk to her about putting one more day in there of cross training on a bike.
My run tonight was really nice, I was at a steady pace I could have run a while at for my first two miles, then I increased my speed gradually over the last mile, and did a full on sprint for my last .2 miles. it was a nice run. Silvia came to the gym with me for this run, it's always nice to have someone to workout with, even when they are rocking the elliptical in front of you.
I have been running in my Wave Riders out of fear that my Torin are the problem for my knee. They are really comfortable, and I would give another bigger runner a thumbs up when looking at shoes and trying out the Waver Runner 16's. I also found and arm band that fits my upper arm. I'm excited to use it outside on Thursday and Saturday.
Thanks for reading,
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