1-25-14 First Long Run Since the Big Race

With school right now I am trying to get accepted to the BFA program (which will allow me to apply for an MFA program for grad school). So I am reworking a lot of older pieces (like the runner I posted a while back. I understand I am not the greatest artist and struggle with getting things polished to where they should be, but I am working my ass off to get to where I need to be. I am writing this paragraph because it directly relates to running for me. Without beginning running I would still just accept sub par work, and not keep pressing on to make it better. I would not be able to keep to a schedule to work on various projects. And I would not be sleeping as well or on a schedule. I am able to wake up earlier now because I am sleeping better, which allows me to focus on my work in the morning more effectively. Running has been a great blessing in my life.
I remember in high school the distance running coach trying to get me to try cross country by saying things like, "I have had big guys run before and they did just fine, and even enjoyed it." I am now wishing I would have started then. Starting running now is definitely creating a legacy for my future family. I want my kids to run, and be active, like I am learning to in my 30's.
Again, thank you for reading, and I would love to hear any feedback or suggestions from those who do read my blog.
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