1-9-14 Counting Calories

Today I did great with my run, I found my knee brace, and put it on, focused on my form as well. So as of right now my knee is doing great. My IT band isn't bothering me at all. I believe I will keep sporting the knee brace for my next few run. I also wore my new shoes again today, they were actually comfortable to run in, so I think I will keep them. I know I waffle back and forth on things a lot, but after today I think they are a good fit. I did something while running that can really successfully be done on a treadmill. My second mile if you look at my split is better than mile 1 (warm up mile), I did a .1 mph increase every .1 miles. So by the time I made it to the start of mile three I was running at 5 mph. Then I pumped it up to 6 mph until I wasn't able to control my breathing very well (about .25 miles). With a treadmill you can be more exact on numbers, which is nice and all, but I look forward to running outside again. It was snowing today so I passed on the outdoor run.

Nutrition wise, I downloaded an app that I had a long time ago for my iPad and iPhone made by Livestrong. It allows you to input your calories easily and has an extensive database of food to choose from that you have eaten. If you want to track that like I am now check it out. They have it for Android, Blackberry, and iOS devices. I downloaded it at the end of the day on Tuesday and did alright with my calories that day. Yesterday with calories was a different story, I really ate bad due to poor planning. I usually make a big dinner and have left overs... but I didn't do that Tuesday for some reason (I ate left over chili). So the moral of yesterdays caloric disaster is, plan what you are going to eat if you are aiming at losing weight, or maintain a healthy weight.

Well, it's time to do my homework, thanks for reading again.



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