2-11-14 NEW PR

Today was a great run, and it was that way from the beginning. I stayed at my target times for my first three miles, then rocked my forth mile with a 10:18 time. Considering I had a bad nights sleep and didn't eat the best yesterday, I think I did pretty dam good.

After my run I quickly went to Smith's (grocery store) and picked up a core power (like muscle milk but tastes like melted ice cream). I finished my water and ran my errands in SLC (picking up more oil paint and dropping off some essential oil at Irene's house). Speaking of Irene, she does a nutrition program that is really powerful. If you would like to know more about it I can get your information to her. I still haven't done it, but am teetering on the edge because I would have to decrease the intensity of my workout.

So my remaining work outs this week are simple, I will be doing 9 miles on Saturday, and Thursday I will be doing 5 miles. After 2 miles I will do a speed drill of 2 blocks at a faster pace, then two at a slower speed. Then cool down until I reach mile 5. Well, I need some food, to go grocery shopping, and start work on my figure painting project.

Thank you for reading,


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