2-15-14 Compression Socks

My splits weren't the greatest, but were ok considering I ran yesterday. And my last 5 miles my knee was bothering me. I still haven't fully taken care of my right knee, so I shouldn't complain about it. I started typing this post 20 minutes ago and still haven't progressed very far, so I will now focus to finish.
My run was great, it has been my longest run this year, I ran the whole way (accept that little pause where I had to make the decision to keep running). So I ran the whole 9 miles!
At the beginning of next month I will up my runs to 4 days a week again, and with the trend in weather I should be doing them all outside instead of cowering from the elements inside the gym. To help with that I will not be renewing my gym memberships this coming June.
I have been trying to decide if I am going to do the Canyon to Canyon trail run or change it to the Provo City Half Marathon (May 3rd) or the Vigor Bog Cottonwood Canyon Half Marathon (May 10th). Any feedback on this idea would be great!
As always, thanks for reading.
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