2-18-14 Good Runs Make Food Taste Better

Last night I went to the gym and rode 7.4 miles. It was intense especially since I did it in 30 minutes on a stationary bike. Then to add to it, I went running this morning. It reminded me that back to back running days are exhausting, and I am building up to starting them again next month.

My run today was great, right now I am listening to the TV as I type. It will be soon turned off so I can work on my homework, and eat something. After I have a solid work out, I am hungry most of the rest of the day. I read somewhere if you consume 35g of protein your hunger is curbed for most of the day. So I need to give that a try, it should help by the end of the night tomorrow when I get to my 700PM class. But back to my run, I did 4 miles today. Two of the miles were at a slower pace, then I was told to push myself for miles 2 and 4. I was completely spent by the time I got to my 4th mile. I pushed a little too much for mile 2 and think I should have done 5 miles with 2 warm up first. It took almost the entire 3rd mile before I caught my breath again. But those 4 miles were great now that I look back at them.

Reviewing this workout got me thinking about the last 5k of my marathon. It was hard when doing it, but looking back at it, it's amazing! After a tough run, remembering that feeling is great.

My workouts this week are simple, Thursday I will be doing 4-5 miles, with a segment of 3 minutes at a 11 minute pace, then 1 minute slow. Repeat that 4 or 5 times. I will be doing a 2 mile warm up and then my cool down will be what ever distance I have left. My goal is to do this up in the canyon. My long run this week is 10 miles, then next week is a rest week (so less intense workouts). It's nice that my marathon was in December, because my fitness level is allowing, me to really focus on getting faster.

Weight wise, I am staying within my calorie range easily. Sunday I binged on brownies, and went about 900 calories over. But had been under multiple days, so I'm not too worried about it. I need to get my quality of food up. That will allow me to have energy.

Well time to get back to reality.

Thanks for reading,


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