2-6-14 Losing Weight

Today I made it to the gym for my work out. Without any deadlines tomorrow I was able to get my run in. I made it 2.54 miles and through 5 of my 8x1x1's. Then stopped because I was getting light headed and kept veering to the right one the treadmill, I also had to use the restroom. After that I weighed in because I remembered for once (I'll get to that in the next paragraph). I decided to finish my 8x1x1's at least. I ended up finishing them and then doing another 3, so it became 11x1x1 (11 reps of 1 minute run at fast pace then one at a slower than cruising pace for a minute). I like to use the cool down option on the treadmill to run them, but it only goes to 10 minutes. I pumped it up to a 9ish minute mile for a minute then dropped to a 14 minute mile. My cruising pace is just under 13 minutes now where it was over that right before my marathon. On the cool down I ran out of time before I got to the complete 4 miles for my run today, and had to start the treadmill for the third time. Overall I did some god times on the run. I am still trying to get the first mile at a slower ace figured out when I run outside, and am going to work on that with three other people this Saturday when I do my long mile run.

Now onto my weight. I mentioned that I started to use the Livestrong app on my phone and iPad. I have been doing great lately and have had quite a few days where I was well under my caloric intake for the day. Today will be another one of those days. But I weighed in at the gym (the same place that told me I was 304 lbs. when I started to run again), and the weight was down to 296 lbs. So over the last month I have lost a total of 8 lbs. just like that prediction in the app if I stuck to my daily calories.

I said I didn't have any deadlines today, but I do have pieces I need to work on to get them done by Monday, so I can start on my next project.

Thanks for reading,


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