3-10-14 Running with my Wife

I got back from my run just over 4 hours ago. It was a real eye opener for me. I had the chance to run again with my wife (who is amazing) and got to experience running like it was when I had only been doing it for a little while. She is in better shape than I was when I first started, and will be better than me at running if she decides to keep at it. But it was nice to get a peak at where I have been, and compare it to where I am now. I have come a long way in 10 months. My last mile on my splits is the one I did with my wife. I also did part of mile 4 with her,, otherwise I would have run too hard and exhausted myself before my run tomorrow.

Now that I have determined I can run in my Altra's again, I will be starting up my rotation with my shoes again. So I will do all of my runs in my Altra's this week (which should put me close to 180 miles on them at the end of the week). I really like the zero drop platform for a shoe. I don't experience the heel dragging at all which is nice. I also like how light they are. That's the biggest difference between my shoes.

I think I will leave this post as it is, thanks for reading.


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