3-13-14 Speed Work... Speed Work... Speed Work!

Today I did speed work. My run was ho hum until I started my speed work. At mile 2 it started, I picked up pace to just under a 10 minute mile. I continued it for half a mile, slowed down to my 13:30ish pace, then after a half mile boosted back up to my faster pace again. I did that a total of three times. Holy, that third half mile I thought I would be able to maintain the hard breathing pace pace, but I was winded. It was tough.

Weight wise (if you didn't see my Facebook post) I have lost 40 lbs. since I started running last may. 20 of that has been since January. After my marathon I put back on 10 lbs. and went back to 306 lbs. I am now down to 286 lbs. My goal for the next three months is another 20 lbs. If I keep to my training and watching my caloric intake, and change what I eat a bit more, I should be able to do it easily. My goal weight is currently 240 lbs. But when I get there I will evaluate if I want to lose more.

When I first started I was wearing a size 44 pants, XXL t-shirts, and 3XL button up shirts (that I couldn't do the top button on. I am now wearing a size 38 for my pants, and an XL in t-shirts and button up shirts. I am still unable to do the top button on my shirt but that's because I have a big neck, holding up a fat head.

Races for the year. I will be paying for Ragnar this week (and will be looking at the various routes this Saturday). Salt Lake City Half marathon is already paid for. I am looking at doing the Vigor Big Cottonwood Half or The Alpine Half. They fall in the right spot to recover from the SLC Half, and will allow me recover time for Ragnar. Then I will not be doing any runs during the hot time of the year and just train for the two fall races I will be doing, the Provo Halloween Half or and the Thankful 13 at thanksgiving point. I may volunteer at a race during the summer.

Well I have homework to do still, thanks for reading.



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