3-24-14 Long Run on a Monday?

So today I did my long run, right now I am 2 miles short of having the complete long run done. Not to go into the details, but chaffing stopped me from completing the last two. But After I get out of class tonight I have every intention of going and finishing those two miles at the gym, or by my house.

I didn't fuel right before I left for my run, a single banana right before hand, and two taquitos 4 hours earlier made it a difficult run energy wise. My had was down most of the run, which caused unneeded strain on my back and neck, and for some reason I wasn't able to keep my eyes looking forward. I did have two Salted Caramel Gu, and some Sports Beans. So it was a decent nutritional supply as I ran. I also finished most of my Camelpak. I was so spent after the run, my legs just didn't want to work anymore. My knees burned with every step, and I couldn't bring myself to walk the last 2 miles (regret is creeping in right now).

After my run I met up with my wife and went to Cafe Rio, a 1000 calorie burrito taste so much better after you have burned almost 3000 calories. So does ice cream, cup cakes, and Gatorade. But if you run only so you can eat... and it keeps you getting outside to run, keep it up (but you may want to find a little more solid of a reason to run, like it helps me sleep when I run a good run).

It's now the morning of the 25th, I didn't make it back out last night, my knees and chafed spots didn't allow it. I also haven't made it to my normal run this morning. I will be doing that later today when I get what distance it should be. It will be a bit slower, but I am going to get that done today. I have a portrait that I need to paint today and that will be my break at about 5:00 or 6:00 to go run for an hour.

During my last class yesterday I was sitting there and one of the guys asked me if I had been running, I was shocked because I hadn't really told anyone, and he quickly pointed out my sun burn. I am fairly burnt right now, my wife looked at my arms and laughed at how long my shirt was, because the sleeve almost went down to my elbows, so now I am going to be rocking a farmers sun burn for a while (until I get a sleeveless top to run in for the summer).

And the final thing, I was on pace to run close to the time it took me to run my half marathon last October. Isn't that exciting, especially for a training run.

Thanks for reading as always.



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