3-26-14 Uncommonly Hard Run

My legs didn't want to cooperate with me today. Three miles felt like running with cement feet, and I wanted to keel over. It was such a pain in the butt. I did make it through though. I haven't wanted to swear while running like this for quite some time.

I could complain about how it seemed like I was running forever. But I finished and burned a few calories doing it. I did my run at the gym today, the overcast threat of rain with a cold breeze kept me from hitting the trail.

It's been a while since my run, and my legs aren't as hammered as they were. I guess that advice I used to give my karate students about repeating an exercise to get rid of the fatigue that the exercise had created when previously done was good advice.

My mind is empty right now and I need to get focused to finish a digital painting in the next three hours. So until tomorrow, thanks for reading.



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