3-29-14 Running Through a Race

Today was a nice run, I could have done it in a short sleeve shirt it was so nice out. The first mile was windy and nice. I had a small hill to do at the beginning. At mile three apparently I was struggling. I remember my form suffered, but I thought I was keeping pace with the rest of my runs. The last mile was fun, I encountered a 10k turn around point, and the first couple of people to get to it. Everyone who I saw running by there after, I smiled and waved to them. But I got to experience some of there race day magic and picked up speed. It was a cool feeling

21 days left until my race, one more week of training before my taper. I am looking forward to my next race. Next Saturday we are meeting at the beginning of where the race will be and doing our long run there. That will help a lot, having run the Provo Canyon trail multiple times made the Halloween Half Marathon a lot easier to run.

Last Monday beat the crap out of me, my back is still suffering from from it. My erectors are like re-bar, and need to be worked. My legs are still tired, but not to the extent of Wednesday. I figure my run on Monday was hillier than I expected, and that's what did some damage to me. I think a solid massage would help to fix a lot of my problems.

And about Ragnar, I was supposed to meet up with a couple of other people from my group this morning, but woke up a half hour later than I wanted to. But I did see Mike (team captain) doing his run this morning. Which was encouraging. It was nice to see someone I knew more than bumping into them as I start my Tuesday morning run.

I finished early, it was about 9:45 am when I finished. It was strange finishing that early, I came home got an early lunch at Which Wich. So I ate, then came home and here I am. I have an exciting day of drawing and painting ahead of me, so thanks for reading today, and if you have a run today, have fun with it, set a small reward at the end if you're having a hard time getting out.



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