3-4-14 Running in the Rain

What a day today, I went to SLC, and it started to lightly rain as I was driving. By the time I got to where my coach was, it was pouring rain. It continued to do so until after I got groceries. Which I did in my running clothes (I lived life on the edge with that one).

So I ran in the rain today, and was supposed to do 2 easy miles then increase speed for #3 and increase speed again for #4. So I thought I did for number three, but was caught at two busy roads (which I am convinced took a minute of my time). while I was running it was nice to have a pocket that wouldn't make my shorts fall down (which are too big for me and need to be replaced).

By the time I got back to the Salt Lake Running Company (which is our starting point and finishing point of Tuesday runs), I was soaked. The other runners were also wet, only one person brought a towel to dry off and it wasn't me. I ended up buying a new running shirt, another runner did the same, and one other picked up new shorts as well. It was amazing how much rain was coming down.

On another note I am now down to 288 lbs. I have lost 4" off my hips and around my mid section. I am now wearing XL button up shirts (which I wasn't able to wear 2XL when I started running last May). I have been doing well with my calorie watching, and the amount of calories drops every time my weight does so there is a slight adjustment to get use to it. I know this because I went out and bought a new pair of jeans, which are a size 38, a XL button up shirt, and a sweet red Marty McFly vest. I am happy because I am steadily losing weight, and am making some better choices with eating.

Well it's time to do some drawing.

Thanks For Reading,


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