3-6-14 Third time is the charm

Today I got dressed to run 3 times and the third time is when I finally made it out the door. I really wanted to run outside today, but each time I just couldn't get myself to do it. It was so hard, so by the time I got out it was pouring rain and the gym. I saw someone I am in classes with and talked to him for a few minutes (which was good).

So today was speed drills. They kicked my butt. I started out with a 2 mile warm up, then 4 minutes at a 10:30 pace, then down to a 14:00. Then back up to 10:45 for 4 minutes, then back down to 14:00 for 3 minutes, finished with a 11:00 pace, then did an easy run my last half a mile. The reason I wanted to go outside and run was because I had this awesome 5 mile run planned. I will make up for these 4 indoor miles on Saturday with my 11 mile long run.

For my run Saturday I will be loading up on the Salted Carmel and the Peanut Butter GU. I may bring my sports beans with me since I found a bunch in my gym bag. Starting Monday I will be adding an extra day to my running routine. It will be my mid range run (1/2 of my land run distance). I am still very hungry since I just finished my run and am going to go and rectify that situation.
Thanks for reading,


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