3-8-14 The extra long run

Alright, my long run was a good run. I ran more than I thought I would. I was only supposed to run 11 miles, but messed up my distance tracking at the beginning. I realized it when I reached mile 4 (which is at an entrance to a park with a route that forks, that's the only way I know). So at the end of my run, it said I ran 10.72 miles, until I made the map adjustment, and it added an extra mile.

My average pace would have let me finish a half marathon at the same speed I ran my previous one at. So I am looking forward to see what kind of time I will be able to finish the SLC half in. I will be using that race day magic to see how fast I can finish.

My wife is doing a couch to 5k (or at least that's what she has told me). Our local running store has a training program that's being sponsored by Altra shoes (which is a local company). I think I will be trying to run in my Altra again this week. I do have the additional run, so I will have an additional chance to run in them.

When i got to Salt Lake I missed the main body of the group by about 6 minutes. I really wanted to run with them. With the daylight savings time starting on Sunday, the Saturday run time is going to move to an hour earlier. Which means I need to get to bed about an hour earlier. Back to arriving at the meet up point to run, all the sudden I had to use the restroom. It's still March so most of the restrooms on the route are closed. It was at mile 8 that I finally got to use it. My guts hate me right now because of this.

After my run I went to Maverick (a gas station/convenient store for those who don't know what they are) and picked up a Pepsi Max fountain drink and added there cherry concentrated flavor to it. It changed it to taste like Dandelion & Burdock, which I haven't had in a couple of years. Right now I have yet to really eat anything substantial because my stomach is still not doing hot.

This coming summer I won't be doing school, due to being burnt out. I need a break. Which will make it easier to run Ragnar and also go on vacation. We are most likely going to head to St. Louis. Which will be fun because I will be able to run at sea level again, oh yeah, see family and take a break as well. I am starting to get a little hungry so food here I come.

Thanks for reading,


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