4-29-14 Running Through Finals Week

So yesterday was my first run in over a week, I have an excuse for that, and that is two days were recovery (where I should have made it out on my bike, but opted for homework instead). I have been working on pieces all week, and am currently avoiding working on a piece I am not enjoying, but like a run when I avoid it, I know the piece has potential to be really good like that run after avoiding it for a while.

My work out this week has me back in the swing of things. I am prepping for my next two races now, one of which is on May 24 (Alpine Classic Half). I would like to PR during it, but I don't know if I will be able to since it's a hilly course. I should go run in alpine some to help me prep for it. I will be doing some trail runs between now and then for my long runs and that should help me out some.

It was a nice run yesterday. I was feeling crummy up until I got to mile 1. I have been doing a lot better since then. Running helps me feel so good. I am looking forward to tomorrow's run because I will be doing some Fartlek's at a sub 11 pace for 2 minutes on then 2 minutes off 6 times. So it will be a great 4 miles. Saturday I have a 5-6 mile run that I will be doing in Vegas. I am heading down with some friends to compete in a gaming tournament for Legend of the Five Rings (a CCG). So Saturday before the tournament I will be heading out for my run in the dryness which is Vegas. I am looking forward to it because of the lower elevation.

I need to get back to my painting, so thanks for reading.


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