5-14-14 Running in the evening

It's really nice outside right now. The sun is out and it's warm. Utah springs are nice, when they don't get too hot. It's mid 60's right now, and was probably a little warmer, I didn't empty the old water from my camelbak. So it was warm water that I had the joys to drinking as I ran.

It was a nice run, I didn't push too hard, but I did notice that my speed for a nice and easy run is much faster than what it was a few months ago. This week I have a good run. Tomorrow I will be doing 5 miles, starting slow, and incorporating 6 - 2x2's (2 minutes at 10-11 minute pace, 2 minutes easy pace). The I have 7 miles easy on Saturday. Monday will be another 4 miles.

Today I accepted a new job, that will be a 12 - 25 hour week. I will be working at Staples here in Orem. This is going to be a nice change of pace. It will be doable while I am in school and provide me a little money that can be used for things like games, and buying my wife presents. But it won't be that much overall. I am happy I will be working again, and I will also learn to schedule a bit better overall. Because I need to fit my runs in. This will help. I will most likely be taking most Saturdays off in June, but it doesn't seem like it will be a problem. During my interview I brought up that I was running Ragnar this year, and the store manager quickly gave me a high five. I figure at that point I had the job. It was between that and another job that wasn't going to pay much more but I would have to work 35 hours a week to maintain full time. That just isn't going to work.

School is good so far, I feel like I don't know how to do figure drawing again, but that seems to be the case whenever I repeat a class. I am also following an Instagram group called sketch dailies. They provide a topic and it gives you something to add to your sketchbook. So this is going to help me keep in line with my goal to fill up 3 sketchbooks this summer. I have my one for figure drawing, one for sketch dailies, and one that I call my Sunday sketch book since I doodle while I am sitting in various meetings to help me focus. I have avoided my homework for long enough Today and am not sure if I will get to it tonight, but thanks for reading and have a great night.



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