5-14-14 Running in the evening

It was a nice run, I didn't push too hard, but I did notice that my speed for a nice and easy run is much faster than what it was a few months ago. This week I have a good run. Tomorrow I will be doing 5 miles, starting slow, and incorporating 6 - 2x2's (2 minutes at 10-11 minute pace, 2 minutes easy pace). The I have 7 miles easy on Saturday. Monday will be another 4 miles.
Today I accepted a new job, that will be a 12 - 25 hour week. I will be working at Staples here in Orem. This is going to be a nice change of pace. It will be doable while I am in school and provide me a little money that can be used for things like games, and buying my wife presents. But it won't be that much overall. I am happy I will be working again, and I will also learn to schedule a bit better overall. Because I need to fit my runs in. This will help. I will most likely be taking most Saturdays off in June, but it doesn't seem like it will be a problem. During my interview I brought up that I was running Ragnar this year, and the store manager quickly gave me a high five. I figure at that point I had the job. It was between that and another job that wasn't going to pay much more but I would have to work 35 hours a week to maintain full time. That just isn't going to work.
School is good so far, I feel like I don't know how to do figure drawing again, but that seems to be the case whenever I repeat a class. I am also following an Instagram group called sketch dailies. They provide a topic and it gives you something to add to your sketchbook. So this is going to help me keep in line with my goal to fill up 3 sketchbooks this summer. I have my one for figure drawing, one for sketch dailies, and one that I call my Sunday sketch book since I doodle while I am sitting in various meetings to help me focus. I have avoided my homework for long enough Today and am not sure if I will get to it tonight, but thanks for reading and have a great night.
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