5-16-14 Running Feels Awesome

So today was speed drills (actually it was supposed to be yesterday) and I really enjoy looking back on them. I was wheezing and seemed like I was about to die when I was doing it. I have run faster than my speed drills before, but today it sucked the energy right out of me. I bet the 82º weather didn't help with that. Not that I see that I realize I was not hydrated enough while running, 4 oz. after 13 minutes of running didn't cut it. I was losing more than that in sweat.

Doing speed drills is I think one of the greatest things about running. Now hear me out, it may not be enjoyable when you're doing, but the feeling after doing it can't be beat. I was really wheezing at one point, but I started to run again without stopping to think about. Sure it seemed like I was going to keel over and die at one point, my vision blurred, and this nasty headache has come on since the run. But it's due to dehydration which I am taking care of. I think I lie speed drills (this instance Fartleks) because I am able to better forget about everything in the world around me. For example, yesterday I was hit with a late fee on tuition because my financial aid never hit to pay summer class tuition. I then found out that it didn't cover only taking 3 credits, so I had to enroll in a second class. That frustration that I had melted away. Right now I am feeling worry free and fairly stress free, but I have also not done much today outside of spend 40 dollars I shouldn't have on an awesome new pair of plaid running shorts, and a pair of short compression shorts (at least I resisted buying socks). But doing speed drills helps with the release of stress due to the flood of endorphin from working out hard. I remember it happening after a physically grueling karate test. The next day I was on cloud 9. But now I get to feel this feeling when I get that hard workout it.

Weather wise it is hot out today. It's not as dry as Las Vegas was so the moisture in my body wasn't sucked out right away for just thinking of going outside. But 82º weather wasn't pleasant to run in. I really should have run this morning when I walked outside and just relished in the perfect temperature. This weather also tells me I need to work better on my hydration for Ragnar. I will start putting the nuun tablets in my water again. It really helps to keep the electrolytes up, and adds flavor but not calories to what you drink.

I should get going, Silvia and I are heading to a friends house tonight for some board games and stuff. So thanks for reading!



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