5-17-14 When a long run feels long

Alright, today was my long run and yesterday I did speed training, so my legs are a little shot right now and it's not my favorite feeling. I am feeling great now that I have gotten some protein in me and also started my hydration restoration process. My hamstrings are bothering me some right now because I have been focusing on how high my feet come off the ground, engaging those muscles more.

So looking at my splits, I had a few under 14:00 and am happy about those, and mile 4 would have been under 14:00 if I wouldn't have stopped to look how far I'd gone so I could turn around. I forgot to put on my watch so I could just have that turn around point in front of me. About the long run feeling long today. With changing how I have been running to emulate faster runners, new muscles have started to ache. I also was over 14:00 most of my splits, which is kinda of annoying. But I was just tired going into today's run, so every mile dragged on to a degree. So remember going into your long run with a body that hasn't recovered from speed training makes your run long. I even stopped at a few spots and walked for a few seconds, one 7 miles I don't normally walk. I also was running long enough for a gel at 7 miles, and should have grabbed one out of my bag, but I resisted. My goal is anything 7 miles or under, don't take a gel.

Hydration was key to even running at the pace I did this morning, it was just below 70º out (it's nice weather for most things just not running). I really admire those who run in states that get hotter and colder than Utah. My ideal running weather is between 40º - 50º with a slight breeze. I can wear a long sleeve shirt, shorts and just go knowing that the brisk temperature will keep me cooled off. Keepinng cool brings up another point, Ragnar! I have about 8 miles to do at around 11am, uphill in dirt. I'm not too worried about the run, just the keeping cool. I am finding I am producing tons of heat as I run. I'm a little worried about overheating at that point. Does anyone have suggestions on keeping cool as you run? I will ask around here as well but any suggestions would be great.

My run Monday, I want to run 4 miles at a sub 13:00 pace. Since I took it easy on my run today, bumping up intensity on that run will be great. I will get the rest of my weeks training on Tuesday when I send in my splits to my awesome trainer. If you have never had a trainer, they are really helpful. That person to be accountable too beyond yourself can really keep you on track. Also, next week I have the Alpine Classic Half Marathon to run, I'm excited for that because it's just going to be a 13.1 mile training run.

It's time for me to finish writing and text my wife to tell her how my run went. Thanks for reading.



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