5-20-14 Running and the heat

So it was mid 70's today as I ran. And this summer is going to be brutal to run in. I have decided to do most of my runs mid day. Why you ask, because I am mid day for Ragnar. After Ragnar I will be converting to a morning running out of necessity.

To help me with the mid day run, the increasing heat, and my internal thermostat which seems to always be running on hot, I went to the Runner's Corner and asked for help. I got some great suggestions from them. They coincided with answers I recieved from friends on Facebook. The three things they suggested were to wear a white hat (wear white clothing in general), Soak a bandanna in water and tie it around your neck to keep cool, and wear a tank top (because heat not only escapes the top of the head but through the top of the body in general. So I purchased a white running tank top. I ran and did better than I had done time wise previously, and I'm not completely spent after my run. Oh yeah they also said hydrate hydrate hydrate! So for hydration I have been drinking water all day. I think I am still running close to not enough (I am not quite to half my body weight in ounces).

So my run was 4 miles, with 10 30x30. I was at around an 11:30 mile on my faster 30 seconds and back to about a 13:30 for the most part on the slower side. I really like speed work, I always feel the best after it. Even now 5 hours after I finished running I feel great! I need to capitalize on this feeling and be more productive. Thanks for reading, and I hope to get my second run in for the week tomorrow (3 miles with the last mile hard). Thanks for reading.



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