5-22-14 Cooling off after a hot run

So it was 80º outside as I ran today. It sucked up my energy as I ran. The tarmac I was running on was hot as well. After that I understand trail running a little more. A place without the heat of tarmac, where you get to be in the dry grassy areas here in Utah sound kinda nice after my run today. It was really hot, I was wearing a new shirt (from Old Navy) that I thought would at least breath as I ran. I was wrong. I need a couple more sweat whicking light colored shirts to keep cooler outside. My Old Navy athletic shirts would be great for colder weather for me at least. They trapped my body heat in, which I like when running in the cold. I would even venture to say they would be good for casual sports with some friends, but running in 80º is not something I would suggest in the shirt.

The run itself was good, it was short only three miles. But the heat made it a challenge. By the time I got to my last mile that I was supposed to run harder on, I was fairly spend on energy. It had all been sucked up by the sun. I look forward to morning runs after this semester. While I was out running I only saw two other runners, they both addressed the heat in different ways. One with a water bottle, and the other was a guy without a shirt. So other people are dealing with this heat as well.

It's now 5 hours after I have finished my run. I got busy and wasn't able to write any more. So thanks for reading, and keep your eye out for my race recap for the Alpine Classic Half Marathon!



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