5-24-14 The Alpine Classic Half Marathon

Here is the map, you may want to look at it to see what I am rambling about.

So I am sitting here thinking back over the half marathon I just ran. I can now say I understand what a runners course is. You are required to think more about where you will push, and where you will ease up. Even when it comes to the end of the race you are still thinking at this point how much gas do i have in me to finish this strong? I really liked this race overall, there were aspects of it that I didn't like at the time, but enjoy now that I am not running up a ridiculous hill. The hills were tough, I wasn't expecting some of the inclines, but was rewarded with some really relaxing down hills.

I didn't think I would like this course at all. I wasn't ready for it, but I did well. The Halloween half marathon was all down hill and I barely did better then than I did this time. I thought I would think of hills as a swear word after running them like I did, but I liked it. I don't think I am your typical runner for this kind of course, but it brought out the best in me with timing. I look forward to improving and doing the course again. The volunteers were great, they cheered and were excited when ever I showed up (I think it may have been because I was the second to last runner and they knew they could go home soon). But they were all so nice, and the other runners who were out doing there own personal runs were giving me thumbs up, and smiling and waving. I felt like I belonged there this morning.

The course was really well marked, but it seemed like I was running on the wrong side of the road for the most part. Also it was raining fairly steady after I got to mile 8. That would have been fine if that was the only reason I was wet, but I went through a park for part of the race, and the sprinklers were on and I got very very wet then. Not to mention I was sweating worse than I had in the sun earlier in the week. I ran most of the race with my hat on backwards and sunglasses on my neck.

While I was running I kept thinking of how much Alpine reminded me of the Antrim Coast in Northern Ireland. We were in smaller mountains and they were green because of all of the rain, and the clouds were low and wrapped around them. I wish I would have had time to stop and take some photos of the area.

My eyes are getting heavy, and my thoughts are jumbled. That my friends is a sign for me to stop typing and head up stairs to an early bed time. Thanks for reading.



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