6-18-14 It's been a while

So I would like to explain why I haven't had a post in a little while. The last two weeks I have been fighting a serious bout of depression and didn't make it out. School, work, and depression mixed make it difficult to get out. Because of this mix, I don't feel all that ready for Ragnar. I will be by the end of the weekend after I have gotten more runs in.

Today I want to do 5 miles when I get home tonight with some speed drills. I will be running at dusk and into the evening. Tomorrow I have a nice and easy 9 mile run, where I need to take it easy. Saturday I will be getting another 5 miles in and do it going up the steepest hill near my house. Then Monday I will get 6 miles in after work. I am somewhat worried about reporting to my trainer about my slacking in running. But more worried about how it will effect my running next weekend.

The run itself yesterday was brutal. I only ran 4 miles, and had to stop and walk twice (I think that was more mental than physical). I didn't dress for the weather. It was warm, but not hot, so I sported a short sleeve shirt and a black hat. It turns out my shirt and shorts I wore yesterday are not moisture wicking. I was melting. It was intense.

School is going to be done in 3 weeks, I finish one class right before Ragnar. Then I have another two week intense class. So my Ragnar recovery week I will be out painting in various places.

Thanks for reading.



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