It's Been a While

So I haven't been running and I have been regretting it. But I am planning on at least two races this coming year. The first will be Ragnar (Silvia has banned any training that will get in the way of my last semester of school) and the second is the Park City Half (which falls on my birthday). I may do one in either October or November (or maybe a Sprint Triathlon), but I am not sure where we'll be living at that point. So the two I have planned are within the range of our lease on this apartment.

I will start my training after I get my surgery done. I am getting a septoplasty for my deviated septum a week from tomorrow. So that should increase my breathing and make it easier to run. I will start my training on the 17th for Ragnar and keep my runs short while I get back into the swing of running. I will be doing cross training this time which is a change from how I have trained in the past. I have a gym membership at a place with a pool and plan to use that for some of my training as well, and will utilize the treadmill on the days where it's really cold.

Training suggestions would be great since I am heading at this alone again.

Ragnar: June 19th - 20th
Park City Half: August 15th

Thanks for Reading,


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