Doing Some Good Work, Lead Legs, and Sentient Watches


1.87 Miles 5/25/23
Since it's me I'm comparing myself to, current me not past me, I think it's okay to say that I did some good work today. Today was 5 sets of 4 minute run / 1 minute walk. The first two were good, the third suffered from an incline, and the last two beat the crap out of me. But today was good. I had a crappy breakfast that felt like it was just a lump in my stomach. I guess I need some focus on fuel for my body to make sure that doesn't happen again. 

I did get some stretching in before and I think that helped to make the first 15 minutes of being out there better. I really struggled with leg endurance while I was out there today. When I struggled to keep going my legs just felt like lead. It was hard to keep moving because they were just so heavy. I think that comes with increased difficulty of the run and continuing to work myself to my limits. I think I need a cheer squad to follow me when I run, just for those times my legs are feeling like lead but I need to push it a bit more.

On a side note, my watch keeps trying to get me to run more, I'm trying to figure out how to the tell the thing I can't push too hard or else I run the risk of injury. I'm not sure it would believe me though. These smart watches think they know everything. I think that's it for today.

Thanks for reading.



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