End of Week 2

Starting out yesterday, I had in my head it would be easy to wake up, get out there, and put some time in on the road. It was a glorious morning, and I slept in. Which isn't ideal, but that's what happened. I had to give up on running in the morning because it was just me and our little guy, and I wasn't ready to tackle a voyage with just the two of us. So I planned on running around 6ish.

Fast forward to 5:30 pm when I tried to get out running in the neighborhood. I walked outside and panicked because there were people outside who could see me trot along at my slow-paced run/walk. I felt like all eyes were on me. So what did I do? Packed up the car with Silvia and our little guy and went to the nearby track at the JR. High just down the road. It's a track may of tarmac around a football field, so better than cement. I made it, and we started the training session. 

The three-minute warm-up was complete, and time to start the 2-minute run followed by a 2-minute walk. The first one went great! I still wasn't feeling it regarding getting my workout in, but we had finished 1 or 5. Our little guy was on his bike. We were moving forward. The second set started and our little guy decided to go off track (my guess is he got bored going in circles on the track). After a slight chase, he got back on the track, and our 2-minutes of running ended.

At this point, we were near the car again and our little guy decided it was time to run and play in the puddles in the parking lot. Silvia went after him, and that's when her training for the day ended. I made it through set number three of the run/walk and our little guy kept getting further away and then running back through the water toward Silvia, then away again in the water. During this time I made it halfway through the running part of the fourth set and decided it was time to go. I stopped my fancy watch, walked back to the car, gathered the family, and went and got a Slurpee.

Silvia said I should be proud that I at least got out there and tried as I lamented I didn't finish my training for the day. That's how it ended, and I did what I could. Next week things will be different. I have 3-minute runs with a 2-minute walk. I need to pace myself better to make it through the entire week and through each workout.


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