Insoles, Brain Games, and Anxiety

I didn't get this posted after my run yesterday. The run went a little longer than previous weeks and threw me off kilter a little when it came to eating after the run and getting ready for work again. It was a hot run yesterday, about 86° when starting and I was running on the road, so it was a bit hotter there.

A few weeks ago I got some fancy insoles for my shoes, thinking they would help decrease discomfort to a degree when running. I had done some running without the insoles and had experienced some discomfort. I tried out the insoles for a couple of weeks and was having some specific discomfort of the anterior tibial muscle (muscle that is the culprit for shin splints). It was a big discomfort each run. So I took out the insoles and magically no pain in that area. Then I realized I still had other aches and pains that were bothering me, but a quick adjustment to form helped those fade away.

I have been running without headphones, which is very different for me. I am now more aware of cars coming up from behind, and am able to catch my mind going to less effective areas when I run. The hardest thing for me is to keep running at times. The conversation in my head goes something like this.

Me: OK two more minutes and I reach 5 minutes of continuous running.

Body: Alright let's do that, two more minutes... and stop running now. Two minutes wasn't going to work for me.

Me: Why did I stop running, 10 seconds and I will start again.

Body: Cool we can do this... in another 30 seconds.

This seemed to be my battle yesterday as I ran. I still feel like I got the workout in, but just not quite as intended. Tomorrow I am hoping it will go better, not sure how to prepare for it better though.

On Monday I planned to get my cross training in. I figured I would do it midday like I do with my runs. We were going to a church picnic in the morning and to help with handling with the amount of people I took some anxiety medication (which I only take when needed). I was in a relaxed daze for the rest of the day. I got nothing done after that picnic, I will be taking less than prescribed from now on. So with cross training, that will be today during lunch. It's the Nerd Fitness Beginner Body Weight Workout.

I think I have rambled on long enough, thanks for reading.



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