Running on a Tuesday

It's Tuesday and I made it out to run, since I've not made it out on a Tuesday yet, it feels good. Today was 4 sets of 4 minute runs / 2 minute walks with a 3 minute warm up and cool down. I'm now sitting here trying to cool down. The first three 4 minute runs went well. They were slower because I didn't know how running 4 minutes without stopping would impact me. More about the last 4 minute run in the next paragraph. My first mile wasn't as draining as Saturday's was, so that's a win.

While running I have opted out of listening to music/pod casts/books like I did when I ran previously. I'm trying it out to see if it helps me to be more in the moment while I'm out there. So far I think it's working, I am much more aware of my body and what it's doing out there. My self talk is actually heard, but the body doesn't always want to listen. Like today, I was 2 minutes into my last 4 minute run and I started saying to myself, "2 more minutes you got this." Apparently I didn't have it because that's when I started to walk for a minute. I think I'm just out of practice of pushing through uncomfortable physical situations, it has been a number of years since I was last really physically active so it makes sense. I think that's where running buddies would help, they would be able to encourage pushing through the discomfort. Even reflecting on it now, I believe, will help to give me that bit of grit that I need to make it though similar situations in the future.

I am going to make some minor changes for my runs on Thursday and Saturday. I'm going to do 2 minutes of stretching before and after running. Just to make it an even 5 minutes for my warm up and cool down. I hope it will make that fist part of the run better by limbering up.

Thanks for reading.



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