More in the Tank

Today I did not want to get out and put in my time. I intended on doing my 20% workout today but ended up just doing my regularly scheduled workout. I did 5 sets of 3 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking. I could keep my heart rate down more which was excellent, and I still finished with the same distance as the past couple of runs.

As I finished my time, I realized I had it in me to go further. But I knew my 30 minutes was up and it was time to stop and go and use the restroom. I pondered having some energy left in the tank for a bit and decided it's better to have that than be completely spent on my day off where I need to get some homework done. 

I did experience what I used to when I ran years ago, the first mile sucked. I got to the 3/4 mile point and almost went home. My ankles hurt, my legs hurt, and I was tired. But I decided to keep going, and I'm glad I did. Today's run feels good now. It was shortly after the 3/4 mile mark that things started to feel better. I also didn't ruin the run by going to Mcdonald's (as tempted as I was).

Last thing, here's my running data for the week if you're interested.

  • Workout: 3-Minute warmup, 3-minute run / 2-minute walk x5, 2-minute cool down
  • Total Time: 1:30:07
  • Average Split: 0:17:43
  • Total Distance: 5.09 miles
  • Shoes: New Balance Fresh Foam X 880 v12

Well, that's it for today, thanks for reading. 



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