Week 2 Starts with a Cold

My running schedule is Tuesday 6:30 pm, Thursday 6:30 pm, and Saturday 6:30 am. I plan on posting some time after each run. It may change as things do over time, but for now that's what I want to do. With these early work outs the important thing is the workout itself. Tuesday I ended up in bed sick and slept for 11 hours. So I thought I would be running the same schedule I did last week, but was still sick yesterday too. So the modified schedule is today (Thursday) @ 12:00 pm, and Saturday at 6:30 am.Then next week I will try for my scheduled times again.

On a brief side note, our 5k that we were going to run on June 24th has been cancelled. So we will be doing the Firecracker Run in O'Fallon, MO on the 4th of July.

My run today was through my neighborhood, it's the same route I ran on day 1 last week. I ran during my lunch break to avoid the heat of later in the day, which according the the forecast will be avoiding a downpour later in the day as well... just to spend my running time in the rain anyway. I should have checked the forecast for my lunch hour as well. I like running in the rain at least. I think it helps me to regulate my body temperature better. I like the route I ran, during the day it's quiet. I will try it again Saturday morning and see how it is at 6:30 am. Today was a good run, I feel better than I have the past couple of days and am hopeful about doing this 5k on the 4th of July!

With the run itself, I have found I am pushing too hard for my first bit of the run / walk. My fastest pace was a 12:23, which I'm not able to maintain for long. That was most likely at the beginning of my run as well. I think if I am a little slower at the beginning I will be able to do better later in the run. I almost made it through the last 2 minute portion of running. I stopped for a couple of seconds and then started to run again and puttered out with about 15 seconds left. It took 5 minutes for me to catch my breath after that. But overall the run feels good.


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