Cross Training, New Socks, and Just Over a Month

Cross Training 6/5/23

I will start by saying afternoons and evenings are not my most productive time for exercise, or I am just starting from ground zero with cross training as well. It's probably a combination of both. I made it for 20 minutes of cross training. I did a body weight circuit I got from Nerd Fitness, and it was supposed to have been done 3 times. 

  • 5 minute warm up (Jump Rope and Stretches)
  • Squats - 20
  • Pushups - 10
  • Lunges - 10 each side
  • Dumbbell Row - 10 each side
  • Plank - 15 sec.
  • Jumping Jacks - 30

It seemed easy enough when I looked at it. I have done all of these before and would be able to do them again no problem... is what I thought going into it. It was much harder than expected after not having done any of them over the past who knows how long. I made it through all of them one time, then all the way to jumping jacks the second time and my body said, "No more jumping jacks, I've had it!" So I stopped. Next week I will be doing it earlier in the day, and not having a heavy lunch. For about half an hour afterward I was holding back being sick, my lunch was delicious but was coming back to haunt me.

So a few important takeaways are, make sure my meals are lighter and work out earlier in the day. I will be signing up for a training program later this month (for a race in October I really want to do) and one of the runs is on Tuesday evenings, hopefully it goes well.

The Run (just over a month in)

On Saturday after the issue with the socks I picked up two new pairs of running socks (still can't find my other socks) off of Amazon. I have run in both brands and did a little research and got the highest rated pair off of multiple sites the Balega Silver Compression and a pair I have liked in the past the Swiftwick Aspire Zero. Today I ran in the Balega socks. They performed wonderfully. Running socks are pricey, and I'm happy I had an Amazon credit and only paid for one pair of the two pairs of socks.

I've been running for a month. It's been good. Today I didn't want to run but was able to make it out and run further than I have in any previous runs this month. Today was 4 sets of 6 minute run / 2 minute walk. So the increased time translates to increased distance as well. It's comforting to look back to a month ago and see the progress I'm making. On July 4th is the Firecracker Run 5k, that will mark my 2 months back into running.

As always, thanks for reading.



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