Over Sleeping and a Busy Weekend

Before the Run

It's been a busy couple of days, and I couldn't get myself out of bed the past two to get anything done. My intention was to wake up early yesterday and get my run in... then my intention was to get my run in after my doctor appointment... then my intention was to get my run in after work... then my intentions were to run this morning while it was cool... intentions didn't make it happen. I couldn't get myself up to run in the morning, my doctor appointment went for over an hour longer than it should have, and I just couldn't bring myself to go out and run in the evening. Then there was a repeat of not getting out of bed this morning.

Today's run and my run tomorrow will both be easier runs because the race is on Tuesday. I'm a little anxious about it. I have Monday off of work and will go get our packets for Tuesday then. It's going to be a busy weekend. I also need to wash my running clothes tomorrow or Sunday (probably Sunday).

After the Run

Another hot run. I made it through half of my workout (1.36 miles). I'm proud I did that much. Next time I run in the heat I will take it slower than I did. Maybe that will help with the breathing in hot air so quickly and allow me to last longer. By the time I was done with my 5 minute walking warmup, I was sweating really bad. That typically hasn't been happening until I'm around 3/4 of a mile into the run. Tomorrow I will go out again (in the morning this time) and do the same scheduled workout. I think that will put me in a good place for the race on Tuesday. That's going to be it for today, I'm going to eat some lunch.

Thanks for reading.



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