Rambling Before the Run, More Heat, and 2 Miles

Before Running

To start off, I didn't get my cross training in yesterday. I now have it scheduled for tomorrow. I did find on my watch that I have a strength training monitor, which will be nice to get some information about how much I'll be pushing myself during my cross training. Also, I just checked the temperature on my phone and it has it as a cool 88° during my lunch today when I plan on running. I have been bringing out a water bottle I got off of Amazon with a handy strap on it to keep hydrated. By the time I took my first drink on Tuesday it was quite warm because it had been in my hand for 20 minutes.

I have planned a 2 mile run today. It's 5 sets of 5 minute run / 1 minute walk with a 2 minute stretch, 3 minute warm up walk then a 3-5 minute cool down. So max time hitting the road should be 38 minutes. I'm going to be pushing my runs to earlier in the morning so I actually have time to eat during lunch within the next couple of weeks. My aim is to be between 132-143 bpm for my target heart rate.

After the Run

Two miles in 90° heat... probably not the smartest thing I've done, but I'm glad I did it. I will keep running in the heat too, but will be changing the time of day that I do it in the near future. It just works really well to run during lunch, only home bodies and crazy guys with binoculars who broke their leg are watching. So less paranoia about people gawking at the guy running outside. It also stops me from sleeping my lunch away. Another plus is that it doesn't interfere with other things that I should be doing, like the course work for my MBA.

So I did 2 miles today, and it was hot. The last .02 miles were basically me pacing back and forth in my drive way until I feeling my watch buzz to indicate 2 miles. I really wasn't sure I was going to make it the whole way, at roughly the mile and a half mark I had the fleeting thought, "If I went home right now I could be out of the heat." Then a guy drove by whose dogs got out of his yard around the .25 mile mark and were still evading him. He was able to eventually wrangle them in with the help of a nice neighbor (I wasn't the nice neighbor just a guy running up the street). It was a good run though. This is my high intensity workout for the week, I spent most of my run in Zones 3 & 4. The heat probably impacted that to a degree.

Well, I think that's about it for the day. Thanks for reading.



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