The Run and Races for the Year

That was a great run. I haven't felt like this after a run for a while. Yeah I have felt good, but haven't really been able to say it was a great run. What made it a great run? I stuck to the plan. I focused on breathing and kept telling myself to take it easy. The first part of my run was on the sidewalk, and like last time I ran on the sidewalk my low back started to hurt. Just at the point where it was at its worse, the sidewalk ended and I was running on the road again. My back is still stiff but stopped hurting shortly after the change of running surface. The route I ran was a gradual uphill for the first mile, downhill and flat after that. I did 5 sets of 6 minute run and 2 minute walk. On the first three I was able to run the full 6 minutes each time. The forth I lost the mental battle and stopped running for a minute or so, but the last 6 minutes I ran the whole thing. It was huge to me. I had enough gas even after my two minute walk where I know I could have done more. I did go further than I was expecting during my runs so I had to add some extra distance to my cool down. I'm happy with my run right now, and am glad I got some of the details of it written down and have it logged on my spreadsheet as well.

Coming up on July 4th is the Firecracker 5k, which is what got me running again. After that I was originally going to sign up for training for the Mo' Cowbell half marathon in October. After some internal back and forth I've decided to do the 10k instead. I will start training on July 25th, but have my runs planned out leading up to it as well. My reasoning for the 10k is that I want a stronger base to build off of before I start going at the half marathon distance. The training will cover a lot more fundamentals of running and won't take up my life with getting the distance in on my slow long runs. After the Mo' Cowbell 10k, there are a couple of other 5k's & 10k's leading up to the end of the year that I am going to try for as well. One of which is the Turkey Trot I signed up for last year but didn't do. My reason for running races is to keep me training and in turn running. After the Turkey Trot I will be running for the sake of maintaining for a bit until I decide what I'm doing next.

As always, thanks for reading.



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