Building Momentum and Today's Ramblings

Before the Run

It's Thursday morning, and my run was going to be later today. Mentally I'm not feeling the best. I hope my run will help me get out of my funk a little and give me the momentum to start feeling better. But it didn't end up happening. I will try again tomorrow.

I haven't signed up for the 10k training yet. I am still working on my marketing course. Hopefully, today will be the end of that course. I need to plan how to make that hope a reality. The course has a final paper (which I'm currently working on) that's a marketing plan. I have it almost complete. It's just getting the last few paragraphs done. I've been working on the class for quite a while and don't feel like I have any momentum built up to finish it easily. It's all muscling through it at this point.

I think momentum is what I need right now. Mentally, academically, and even in running. My missing runs over the past couple of weeks has really eaten away at what I had built up. With my academic momentum, finishing this paper should help in getting that started again, the next course in my program is one I am more familiar with so my goal is to finish that as quick as I can.

Post Run (7/7/23)

I did it. I made it through my run today! It's fairly nice outside, around 80° and the sun is out. About half way through my run I really started to feel the sun, but it was alright with my cold electrolyte drink in hand. I am finding my leg endurance isn't as high as I think it should be. More runs will help that and getting in cross training should help too. I also think different shoes will help as well. I am used to walking in shoes like Altras or Whitins that have a larger toe box than my new balance do and no drop. I really noticed that my New Balance are a little snugger than I really like and the heel is huge. I think my next shoe after my New Balance will be a pair of Topos, since they have that wider toe box also and a lower drop than what I'm in now.

I ran my regular route I've done the past couple of weeks, and due to the holiday it was garbage day. I avoided running next to most of it, but towards mile two I wasn't paying attention and got a nose full of stink.

The run did help me mentally, I'm feeling better than I have been. I can think a little more clearly as well. Getting my marketing paper done should be a lot easier now.

That's it for my rambling today. Thanks for reading.



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