My Friday Run

I thought I would give my training plan a go for the 10k. The month's training plan was sent out Wednesday and I have been staring at it and questioning if I could do it. So I decided I would give it a try since I had a couple of runs this week to still do.

My run was zone 3 training. It had a 5 minute warmup in heart rate zone 2, then 30 minutes running in zone 3, and then a 5 minute cool down in zone 2. It was challenging, but I did it. It is the fastest average speed I've run since I started running again. It's really cool to see progress. I also got a different message on my watch about my recovery time, instead of "train as usual" it has "Easy Effort Recommended." So according to my watch I worked harder today than previous days, that's a win in my book. I didn't keep to my run walk that I was doing. I focused on my heart rate, if it got to high I walked or did a slow run. I did stop and walk a couple of times when I was in the right zone. I still overall kept where I needed to by a mix of walking and running.

Now that I've cooled down I'm really hungry.

Thanks for reading.



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