Not Wanting to Run and Cloud Cover

Before the Run

It's Thursday morning and I'll be candid, I am not feeling like running today. I'll still be running and my goal is to reach the 55 minute run that I have planned. I will be stepping out to lunch a little early so I can get it in and have time to change and hydrate when I get back. To help get me out on my run today I have my running clothes right behind me for easy access and a consistent reminder of what I'll be doing today.

With the training I signed up for I will be going to a meeting about it Sunday night to review training plans and what not. So that's exciting that it's moving forward.

Post Run

It was humid outside with a lot of cloud cover today during my run. The temperature wasn't as high as it was on Tuesday which was nice. I was just shy of 5k for the run. I was reminded of the first 3/4 mile is rough, my body was yelling at me, legs were burning, heart rate was good though. I just kept focused on my heart rate and getting one foot in front of the other and I made it out to where running was feeling better.

I'm nervous about running as far as I can nonstop. I'm just progressively increasing my run time with my walk run in steady increments. I look forward to see what my training plan will look like for my 10k.

I'm still struggling nutrition wise, eating out too much. It's a hard habit to break. But when I cook dinner at home it have been better for us (I think). I have lots of snacks that are better for me around the house too. Speaking of which, I'm off to have one of those snacks.

Thanks for reading.



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