Running Race Pace for 2 Miles During my Lunch

Yesterday's Run

After that 2 mile run, I am a bit shaky. It was hot, cloud cover came in and a breeze was present so not as hot as it could have been. But I got my baseline run in, and the time submitted to the racing coach. It was a rough run. I really pushed it the first half mile of the run (after the half mile warm up). I should have pushed a little more during my warmup to get past some of that running discomfort that happens during that first mile. I did think multiple times before mile one was finished that I should give up and just head home. I was suffering from stinkin thinkin. After I got past mile one it was easier because I was beyond the half way point and knew I could finish it. After the run I got my numbers submitted for which pace group I would be in for my 10k training. A few hours later I got my pace group assignment. I was put in with the walking group. It was a bit frustrating to think I'm so slow that I'm considered to be walking. But I will give it everything I can, it's only fair that I do that since I signed up for this.

My run was a bit odd, I set my watch to miles instead of time and getting my walk run rhythm was difficult. I didn't know how long I was running compared to how long I was walking. On those long runs that are miles based I'm going to need to figure something out. Tomorrow is an easy 45 minute run, then Saturday is a 3 miler.

I think that's all for today. Thanks for reading.



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