Back in the Swing of Things (8/14)

Before the Run It's been a little bit since I last went running or posted anything. I did go on vacation and did a lot of walking during thst. Last week I missed due to increased anxiety when it came time to get out. But it's a new week and I'm getting back into it. I have a 40 minute easy run today. Then tomorrow will be speed/tempo work at race pace to high intensity, Thursday a medium intensity run, and Saturday will be 4 miles at medium intensity. I did go to the running store last Wednesday and picked up 2 running shirts, they had my size, which shocked me. I had $35 dollars in discounts so they only cost my $19. It'll be nice to have 2 light weight running shirts. One is long sleeved so I won't be sporting that until it's a little cooler. The draw back is that they're both black shirts. I wish they would make big and tall running clothes in lighter colors. I heat up enough without wearing black on top of it. They did find a tank top in my size in red ...