About Me

To start, thank you for coming to my blog. I am sharing with you a little bit about myself. I started running originally in May 2013 after being tired of being unhealthy and not achieving any significant goals in a while. My goal was to run a marathon, and to my surprise, I finished it, along with 3 half marathons and Ragnar. After Ragnar, I was burnt out and found excuses not to run. I tried to run periodically after that but I needed to be more consistent. Five years after Ragnar I signed up for a half marathon and didn’t end up training for it or running it. Then signed up for a turkey trot a few years later with the same result. Now here I am five years after signing up for the half marathon having signed up for a 5k, and starting my running journey again from the ground zero.

I transplanted to Utah from Ohio as a kid and was there for most of my life. Since originally writing this my wife and I have moved to Missouri. Which is quite a change from Utah.

One thing I never did effectively the last time I started running was become part of a community of runners. For the most part, I went at it solo with a brief stint working with a trainer. Being more introverted solo worked for me then. Now I want more of a community to help to keep running when life gets hard and I want to stop. Finding a community of runners has been a challenge. Now it’s time to step out of my comfort zone and join one a little further from home.

I have struggled with bipolar for most of my adult life (I say most because I didn’t know I had it until I was well into my 20s). I have been stable for years now, but still am impacted by it periodically. If you want to know more about my journey with it, you’re welcome to ask.

I am writing this blog to record the journey I'm on and am restarting.

As always, thanks for reading.


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