Run at Lunch or After Work

Pre Run 10/22

It's a struggle on days that I'm tired (like today) to decide if I run at lunch or if I wait until the end of work to get out. I write amidst this struggle. My run today will be out and back 15 minutes each way. I will be sticking to 30 minutes and not worrying about distance. I will be doing the 1:1 run/walk. I thought initially I would make it out for a lunch run, that didn't happen. 

The Day After 10/23

Getting out for a run, I wasn't sure I'd make it as I was out there. I was uncomfortable the entire run, which is good. I finished and knew I had a lot more in the tank. I'm disliking evening runs, just because I'm tired after a day of working and don't feel I can put as much into the run as I start. I'm thinking it's partially a mindset thing and overcoming it would be really helpful. Speaking of working out after work, I have a 30 minute bike ride at the gym (my bike is in need of repairs due to lack of use over the years). I found last week after 13 minutes my mind was mush, so I'm bringing my iPad with some movies downloaded on it. Years ago when I was training for my marathon I did this quite a bit. It helped those long runs at the gym to be doable.

On to other things, something I would like to do is rebuild my bike, I think it will be more cost effective to do that than buy a new one. I would want to have it done by next spring to be able to cross train that way. Biking and running outside really is much nicer than a treadmill. I think I believed the opposite for a while, that's crazy how things change.

I did sign up for the Running From Yeti half marathon, so I will start training for that. Until then I'm just going to enjoy that I'm actually running again instead of really fast walking to keep my heart rate down. With Running From Yeti, Silvia will be doing the 5k that day, and two friends of mine are thinking of participating in either the 10k or the half. With my goal for completion this time around, I am not sure how realistic it is, but I would love to do the race in 3 hours. I will adjust that as needed the closer I get to the race.

I think I've rambled enough. Thanks for reading.



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