Balancing Life and Running

Balancing life and running seems simple enough, so plan to run during times that won't impact your time with the family, school, work, or hobbies. Running is a hobby, but it does a lot for me mentally and physically than other hobbies. This balance is hard to maintain, life gets busy. I wish I could say that's what's been preventing me from getting out the door, but it's not the entire reason over the past 3.5 months. I lost momentum and motivation and got depressed. I'm still struggling with the depression, but have taken steps to hopefully decrease it. The running has helped. Gradually, motivation has started to come into the picture again, which should help build momentum.

So, what am I doing to balance life and running this time? I am doing this my way. It sounds a little arrogant when I write it out, but it's where I have found success. Doing it my way means I will research to plan my training. The next thing I am doing to balance life and running is to do my runs and cross-training during my lunch hour when I can. Since I work from home, I can have my running gear ready or on at the beginning of my lunch, removing one hurdle from making it out the door. The last thing I'll write about regarding that balance is scheduling my day. I will have to be organized to accomplish this. I have a rough schedule on a spreadsheet, but I will be reworking it to be more specific about how I spend my time. I will keep in mind that I must remain flexible so I don't get discouraged by curve balls as they come at me.

The race I signed up for is another half marathon. It'll be June 14th in St. Charles (a city close by). I started training again this past Wednesday, and I did 1.56 miles. It was slower than my last run in November. It was a good run, I did the 1:1 run walk. Then, on Thursday, I did 2 miles. Again, 1:1 run walk. My legs were jelly by the end of Thursday because I hadn't trained in so long. It should come back quick. My legs didn't recover until yesterday. So, I didn't do my long run yesterday and will be doing that tomorrow during lunch instead of my easy run. I will make sure to get my long runs in; they will be crucial to my success in this training cycle. I am thinking of doing a 10k the weekend before the race because it's the length of my last run before my taper.

If I'm ever going to get this post up, I will need to end right there.

Thanks for reading.



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