
Balancing Life and Running

Balancing life and running seems simple enough, so plan to run during times that won't impact your time with the family, school, work, or hobbies. Running is a hobby, but it does a lot for me mentally and physically than other hobbies. This balance is hard to maintain, life gets busy. I wish I could say that's what's been preventing me from getting out the door, but it's not the entire reason over the past 3.5 months. I lost momentum and motivation and got depressed. I'm still struggling with the depression, but have taken steps to hopefully decrease it. The running has helped. Gradually, motivation has started to come into the picture again, which should help build momentum. So, what am I doing to balance life and running this time? I am doing this my way. It sounds a little arrogant when I write it out, but it's where I have found success. Doing it my way means I will research to plan my training. The next thing I am doing to balance life and running is to do ...

Managing the Noise Between the Ears

Pre Run Today is a day I need the run. When I was working on my undergrad running was a way I was able to manage the crap that goes on between my ears. I am having a hard time getting anything done. The noise between my ears is a lot today. I hope I make it out the door and further than a few houses down. That's what happened yesterday, I made it 4 houses away and stopped and came back. I felt defeated, I kept telling myself I would run after work. It didn't happen. My goal for today is 40 minutes. Post Run I made it. I did the whole 40 minutes doing a run/walk. Running really helped me to regulate my emotions. I'm still not feeling the greatest, but I am doing better than I was. What helped me get through the first half was dangling that carrot in front of me of feeling better than I was. The second half was accomplished because I had to make it home and had 20 minutes make it there to get back to work. Which I will have to start getting some more miles in to get it feeli...

At Least it's Windy Outside

Pre Run Just getting ready to head out my my lunch time 40 minute run. According to my Garmin I am in a strained state because I have been sleeping like rubbish the past week. I have also not been very consistent, which is a struggle. I was supposed to get out for my run yesterday, but ended up not getting it in. So I am doing it today, and doing my biking tomorrow. I'm just getting ready to head out for 40 minutes at a 1:1 run/walk. I've done 30 minutes like this, but this will be my first time past that. My long run Saturday didn't happen, I really need a better night sleep tonight. Saturday was a few days into my bad sleeping, and it was hard to do anything. I was just so tired. Post Run After 40 minutes I'm back. It was a steady run/walk. I only missed one notification to run, so got 3 minutes of walking in at the beginning of my outing. It was a good run, I'm feeling better than I was when I left. It was a windy 80° outside as I ran the path next to a somewhat ...

Run at Lunch or After Work

Pre Run 10/22 It's a struggle on days that I'm tired (like today) to decide if I run at lunch or if I wait until the end of work to get out. I write amidst this struggle. My run today will be out and back 15 minutes each way. I will be sticking to 30 minutes and not worrying about distance. I will be doing the 1:1 run/walk. I thought initially I would make it out for a lunch run, that didn't happen.  The Day After 10/23 Getting out for a run, I wasn't sure I'd make it as I was out there. I was uncomfortable the entire run, which is good. I finished and knew I had a lot more in the tank. I'm disliking evening runs, just because I'm tired after a day of working and don't feel I can put as much into the run as I start. I'm thinking it's partially a mindset thing and overcoming it would be really helpful. Speaking of working out after work, I have a 30 minute bike ride at the gym (my bike is in need of repairs due to lack of use over the years). I f...

Starting Yesterday the Off Season Strengthening

Yesterday started my off season training to get ready for training for my next goal race in March ( Running From Yeti ). My three goals for the next couple of months are to be consistent, get stronger, and get my nutrition hammered out. Those are three goals that need to be better defined. Be Consistent: I will follow my scheduled workouts throughout the week. Or if not my scheduled workout something for at least 20 minutes. Sun: Recovery Mon: Strength/Mobility Tues: 30 - 40 minute run Wed: 30 - 40 minutes stationary bike Thurs: Strength/Mobility Fri: 30 minute easy low effort run Sat: 60 - 90 minute run Get Stronger: Do 2 days of body weight strength training and 1 day of stationary bike for cardio. Get my Nutrition Hammered Out: Start meal prepping easy healthy means Saturdays after grocery shopping. Also limit eating out to once a week. I think each could use some further exploration on what accomplishing the goal looks like, making them SMART goals would be a good way to do that. W...

After MO' Cowbell

I finished the race, what more could I ask for. It took longer than my projected 3.5 - 4 hours. I was the 12th from last person to finish. But I finished and that's the name of the game for that race. This race had more challenges in it for me than other races I remember. Some of the more notable challenges were some guy stepping on my ankle just after the race started. He was running backwards looking for someone and stepped on me. I'm a big guy and somehow he still didn't see me. Next challenge came at mile three. I took a corner at the top of a hill and got my footing wrong and about twisted my ankle by not landing on the road. That was a close call. Another challenge was little to no shade, which just translates to it being hot. I wasn't anticipating it being around 75° - 80° for the entire race in October. If it were a short run the weather would have been great, but for 13 miles, that just made it a little harder. Around mile seven is when I hit my first wall. I w...

The Day Before MO' Cowbell

 It's the 5th, and I wanted to get some thoughts down as I prepare for tomorrow. I thought it was 2013 when I did my last half marathon, but it was May 2014. So, just over 10 years ago. As I prepare for this race, I have read past posts, especially the one from October 26th, 2013. It was my first half marathon, and I used it as a training run and just had fun with it. A lot of memories came back as I looked at the post. However, my goal for tomorrow's race is different and has been focused on finishing it. I will be walking the first half of the race at a pace that is good for me where I am now and then transition to a walk run for the last half. I suspect I will be finishing between 3.5 and 4 hours, but finishing is the goal no matter how long it takes. If you want to follow my progress tomorrow, my bib number is 2041, and you can get notifications at 5k, 10k, 15k, and 13.1 if you follow this link  Runner Tracking . Thanks for Reading. -Riley