
Showing posts from December, 2013

12-31-13 Next Race Salt Lake City Half Marathon

So I have revised my races for the year in an easy to follow list, including training schedules. Once I have the funds I will register for the SLC Half Marathon. I will start running again tomorrow (since I don't drink I don't have to worry about doing it in excess and can avoid a hangover). My running distances have been moving all over the place since I finished my marathon. But for now it will be the following. Tuesday, Thursday, 5k (3.1 miles). Saturday 10k (6.2 miles). I figure keeping with a schedule like this until I start my training runs on the 21st with the training group I am joining will create a solid foundation (all three weeks of it). I was teetering on the edge of not joining the running group because my wife and I didn't end up moving back to SLC. It was disappointing to say the least and I was being stubborn after we decided to stay here for the rest of the semester, saying things like, "It's too far to drive," (in reference to the running ...

12-23-13 First Run Since the Race

So today was my first run since the marathon. It was a short run and that's all I could do today. I had some carbonation and that has a negative effect on me running (most likely a mental block associated with it since many people run just fine and drink carbonated drinks). I have had three since the race and each one had a less than favorable effect. It was strange, my right knee started bothering me as ran. So I had to slow down to a fast paced walk. It looks like my slipping on the ice may have hurt me a little more than I thought. Right now my wife and I are trying to get things together to move. It has been an extremely stressful situation for me. Running functioned as medicine for an encroaching migraine and a stress reliever. I am feeling less stress now than I was before my run. It's strange how running is able to relieve so much. The time exerting your energy allow for moments of clarity that brings things into perspective. I was able to take my mind off of what...

12-14-13 3 Days until I run again

In three days I will run 4 miles (I am treating myself to this run after I turn in my last assignment for finals). I have said this many times over the course of a couple of weeks, but I would not advise doing marathon training during any semester of an under grad. But the changes this training has brought into my life have been great. I finished working on two traditional pieces that I started yesterday, and the one to the right is a current event painting of the Canadian woman who started running a half marathon as a training run for her full marathon, and around mile 13 she didn't see the finish line and realized she missed a turn and asked if she could just finish the full marathon (she ended up winning the women's division). I will be doing some more touch ups Monday on things I just saw. Right now I am working on three digital paintings that are due Monday morning between 7-9 am. I will most likely do what I did on Thursday and get to campus around 6:30 the day the ass...

12-11-13 Recovery Week and Finals at School

It's nice that the recovery week I have is right now, because I have three big projects and two finals due between today and Monday. So it's been a stressful week and I look forward to running next tuesday to relieve some of this stress. During the next six weeks or so I will be running three times a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and long run Saturday. My distances will be 4 miles on Tuesday and Thursday. Saturdays will be either 6 or 8 miles I have yet to decide. After six weeks I will be starting my training for the Salt Lake City Half Marathon, I will have a goal time (again not sure about what it will be). During my marathon I beat my half marathon time by 6 minutes (so 3:01:XX). I know I will be shooting for a sub 3 hour time, but how far under I'm not sure. About running another marathon, it will have to wait until summer of 2015, right before graduation. But I do have Ragnar planned for this June which I am exited for. I have some friends who I plan on running it with ...

12-7-13 Race Recap

I was a little scared when they dropped us off half way up a mountain in southern Utah. There was snow on the ground, and about 120 people who were gearing up to run a marathon. It's a small marathon, but as you get closer to Nevada you have some breathtaking views. Tomorrow Silvia and I will be driving home and will get some pictures of the views. So the play by play of the run: Pre-Run Last night I only had one running dream, I woke myself up and said something to the effect of, "I am not going to dream about running tonight and promptly went back to sleep. I picked up my packet last night and had some hope of getting a sticker of the marathon, but I will settle for a 26.2 bumper sticker to put next to my Halloween Half bumper sticker. We bumped into a couple last night who were just picking up his packet as well. We ended up sitting by them this morning as we waited for the buses, she became the race photographer and he helped me out a lot at the end of the race (Lynn...


I am tired and sore and finally warmed up so I am not shivering anymore. It didn't end up raining but that jacket we picked up yesterday was a life saver when I had to walk. I will have a full recap up within the next day. I would like everyone to know how great Silvia is, she made signs and cheered me on at the end, and is now going to do some sports massage on my beaten body. Thank you all, Riley

12-6-13 The Night Before

Apparently my stomach likes to take all the anxiety. I have had a day similar to the day before my half marathon. But add a 4 hour drive in there and you have it. Clark thanks for the feedback, I have been trying to decide what to wear tomorrow, and a gentle reminder is all I needed to cement in my decision. I will be sporting the following gear at this 120+ person marathon: Under Armor Storm beanie, Nike storm fit gloves, Columbia light weight rain jacket, Awesome blue compression socks, base layer tights, a long sleeve base layer, and my trusty orange Adidas running shirt, which has been with me from the beginning. Shoes wise I will be sporting the comfortable blue Torin, since my black Torin are retired from running. I will use a smaller camel bag, with my gel, and waffles in it. It's all packed up and I am getting ready to sleep. I had my marathon dream last night, so does that mean I get to avoid that stress tonight and just sleep... let's pray it does. I will post tomo...

12-5-13 High of 45 and a Chance of Snow

So I am trying to get everything squared away for my marathon, and the weather is frightening me a little. At the 7:00 am start time the temperature should be below freezing and raise to freezing by the time I get down to a lower elevation. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. Here's the link to the weather if you want to check it out Mesquite Weather . I am still running, I will give it my all and I will finish the race. I have run in the rain and sleet and snow, and know I need to get a waterproof jacket to be able to really be prepared. Because of the need for a waterproof jacket I will be heading out a little earlier than expected. But I got a good start on one of my art projects today, so I should be able to stay on track with getting out the door between 1:00 and 2:00. Right now I am a bit nervous because of the weather, but I am still going to finish this race and get the medal I will earn. I am overwhelmed because of my homework load in conjunction with my race, and h...

12-4-13 The time draws even closer

My run was on a treadmill, which bores me to tears! I really need to make it outside to run in this weather.  Alright here is my pre-race events for Friday and Saturday, and what I am doing to prepare for the run. This week I have been eating more carbs than normal (I didn't do the carb depletion, then load). I am not sure if I have had enough carbs though. So tomorrow I will increase carb consumption (and tonight). Friday game plan: • Up at 7, to start work on home work • Double check to make sure all race day gear is ready      • camel bag loaded      • clothes packed      • breakfast packed • Work on master copy of figure drawing for 2-3 hours • Finish 2 panels for Narrative Illustration Assignment 2-3 hours • Eat at Cafe Rio • Drive down to Mesquite and check into hotel • PICK UP PACKET! (it will be at the hotel) • Work on three bears digital painting • HYDRATE (all day) • 9:00 PM B...

12-3-13 4 Days to go

So I have a marathon coming up if you haven't heard about it. I have been looking at the weather reports for the day of the race, which it will be starting at around 20ish degrees outside, and will be close to 40 by the time I am finishing up the race. So I will be thinking warm thoughts as I run.

12-2-13 Mental Health Run

Today was one of those runs that I needed to de-junk my brain. The junk builds up almost always when I have a critique at school that doesn't go in the slightest bit favorable. I am frustrated with my art right now. And having a marathon this Saturday doesn't bode well for time. Next week I have 3 big assignments due... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Well onto my run recap. It was really short. I counted my cadence, which is around 160 at my long distance running speed. Apparently the ideal is 180. The ideal meaning that the body runs at that speed the best (or something like that). I figured it out by counting the strikes of my right foot over a minute. When I pushed myself to 180 I was going at the pace I did for my run last Thursday. It took the run today to get my head in order. I will be able to keep things in order upstairs a little better. Well thanks for reading, -Riley