12-31-13 Next Race Salt Lake City Half Marathon
So I have revised my races for the year in an easy to follow list, including training schedules. Once I have the funds I will register for the SLC Half Marathon. I will start running again tomorrow (since I don't drink I don't have to worry about doing it in excess and can avoid a hangover). My running distances have been moving all over the place since I finished my marathon. But for now it will be the following. Tuesday, Thursday, 5k (3.1 miles). Saturday 10k (6.2 miles). I figure keeping with a schedule like this until I start my training runs on the 21st with the training group I am joining will create a solid foundation (all three weeks of it). I was teetering on the edge of not joining the running group because my wife and I didn't end up moving back to SLC. It was disappointing to say the least and I was being stubborn after we decided to stay here for the rest of the semester, saying things like, "It's too far to drive," (in reference to the running ...