8-31-13 Swallowing of Blackberry Gel

Total Miles for the Week: 14.15 of 16 So today was different, I didn't have any apprehension about running 6 miles until about 10 minutes before i started today. I am happy to say I did more running (slower than I would have liked, but I did run) than I did walking. The first 2 miles were hell. I worked my way up hill and started at too fast of a pace to finish it in a good amount of time. I stretched in the shower before I left to run, hoping that would be enough. I need to get out my sports massage and stretching books from massage school and redesign my stretching so it works better for what I'm doing. Today was the first time my IT band started to hurt some, I'll need to address that too. So I posted I would be trying gel for the first time today as I ran. I didn't expect what hit my mouth as I was squeezing it in. I laughed after I had it. If you have never had gel (quick caffeine and carbs as you run, in a handy pouch). I took it when I reached the thr...