11-30-13 New Pillows and New Socks... that's a good Saturday!

Scheduled Distance: 19 Actual Distance: 19.54 Average RPE: 4.875 Miles on Black Torins: 218.24 I find it somewhat disturbing that I really don't like running in the morning. It makes sense I guess, I don't like waking up in the morning, getting out of bed in the morning, or even eating in the morning. I understand that I sound a little crazy when I say these things, but alas they are true. But I still managed to roll out of bed around 8:30 a.m. it was quite the feat. After I woke up I went to my two stores that have all the fashion sense I can muster now a days, Costco & Runner's Corner. They happen to be right next door to one another and by my bank (a triple threat when it comes to getting running gear on sale on Small Business Saturday). Most people don't know this about me but I am a supporter of small businesses like the Runner's Corner , Epic Puzzles and Games , Board Game Revolution , Dragon's Keep , Game Night Games , Salt Lake Running...