
Showing posts from March, 2014

3-31-14 Late post for a nice run

Today was a nice midday run. I went out at around 12:30 (which won't be a good idea in a month or so), but today it was perfect. I was at the end of my running clothes, so I need to do my laundry before I run tomorrow. My run today was nice, it bordered on great, the border was because I was short .2 miles on it for 5 miles. I could have easily fixed by continuing to run into the Orem cemetery, but I didn't I wish I had a reason, like vicious chaffing, or the hills killing my knees, or something real, but it was just me, I couldn't make myself do it. I did make it home afterward for lunch with Silvia, and then out in time for my chiropractor appointment. I have been seeing a chiropractor for just over a week, my back was all screwed up after my run last Monday. I think my camel bag is having a negative effect on me, I need to strengthen my back. But the time to do that is nigh impossible to find right now. During this summer I was going to take off of school, but i...

3-29-14 Running Through a Race

Today was a nice run, I could have done it in a short sleeve shirt it was so nice out. The first mile was windy and nice. I had a small hill to do at the beginning. At mile three apparently I was struggling. I remember my form suffered, but I thought I was keeping pace with the rest of my runs. The last mile was fun, I encountered a 10k turn around point, and the first couple of people to get to it. Everyone who I saw running by there after, I smiled and waved to them. But I got to experience some of there race day magic and picked up speed. It was a cool feeling 21 days left until my race, one more week of training before my taper. I am looking forward to my next race. Next Saturday we are meeting at the beginning of where the race will be and doing our long run there. That will help a lot, having run the Provo Canyon trail multiple times made the Halloween Half Marathon a lot easier to run. Last Monday beat the crap out of me, my back is still suffering from from it. My erectors...

3-27-14 Meatballs in the Oven

So I did my run this evening and the weather was great, it was about 48 outside with a slight breeze, and a little moisture. The trail was almost empty, and I was able to run without my energy crapping out. My run Monday did a number on me, and that run Tuesday just didn't work. Even yesterday I was still sucking wind. But today I really felt good as I ran. My day has been a lazy day where I went tot the chiropractor and made out budget for the next couple of weeks. So it's been a good day. I don't feel like I have furthered anything in regards to my education, but I am a little more stress free than I had been. I have run out of time to write, so thanks for reading. -Riley

3-26-14 Uncommonly Hard Run

My legs didn't want to cooperate with me today. Three miles felt like running with cement feet, and I wanted to keel over. It was such a pain in the butt. I did make it through though. I haven't wanted to swear while running like this for quite some time. I could complain about how it seemed like I was running forever. But I finished and burned a few calories doing it. I did my run at the gym today, the overcast threat of rain with a cold breeze kept me from hitting the trail. It's been a while since my run, and my legs aren't as hammered as they were. I guess that advice I used to give my karate students about repeating an exercise to get rid of the fatigue that the exercise had created when previously done was good advice. My mind is empty right now and I need to get focused to finish a digital painting in the next three hours. So until tomorrow, thanks for reading. -Riley

3-24-14 Long Run on a Monday?

So today I did my long run, right now I am 2 miles short of having the complete long run done. Not to go into the details, but chaffing stopped me from completing the last two. But After I get out of class tonight I have every intention of going and finishing those two miles at the gym, or by my house. I didn't fuel right before I left for my run, a single banana right before hand, and two taquitos 4 hours earlier made it a difficult run energy wise. My had was down most of the run, which caused unneeded strain on my back and neck, and for some reason I wasn't able to keep my eyes looking forward. I did have two Salted Caramel Gu, and some Sports Beans. So it was a decent nutritional supply as I ran. I also finished most of my Camelpak. I was so spent after the run, my legs just didn't want to work anymore. My knees burned with every step, and I couldn't bring myself to walk the last 2 miles (regret is creeping in right now). After my run I met up with my wife an...

3-22-14 Missing Runs

So I missed today's run. I will be pushing it back to Monday after I get out of class. The I will hit the Murdock Trail for 13 miles. But it doesn't change that pang of regret from missing a scheduled work out. I don't know what happened today, but I have been asleep most of the day. And mentally I am a mess. Which says to me that running would help, but I just can't will myself to get out and do it. IT SUCKS! So I took some medication that is supposed to help, but the drawback after I take I am not supposed to run, because it increases blood pressure and heart rate. This medication is as needed and was prescribed after three weeks of depression. Running is so therapeutic, and I wish I could always experience that post run feeling. I hope this post wasn't depressing, but it's a peak inside of what happens to me periodically. Thanks for reading. -Riley How do you feel when you miss a workout? What stops you from getting out at times?

3-20-14 On your left

I am not sure if I have talked about it over the past few weeks, but I have been battling a severe bout of depression. Running has helped to relieve the low and speed work surprisingly has helped the most. After I do it, I feel a little more normal. I missed my 5 mile run this week that wasn't speed work and I regret it. I was supposed to wake up early yesterday to do it, but had some homework to do. The run was great, I didn't want to got at a faster pace for 8 minutes, but I did, and after the first time, I needed a second. I noticed by the end of the second 8 minutes my form had completely disappeared. I used all I had, and didn't fuel properly before I ran. A bow of cereal just wasn't enough. But after I ran I had a burrito, which was fantastic (even though it cam from a convenience store). Ok, my title is On your left, yesterday I watched the first 11 minutes of Captain American: The Winter Soldier. In the beginning it has Captain America running laps around...

3-18-14 A Great Run & 1 month until SLC Half!

To start off, I have been using the wrong name for my trainer. Her name is Lisa Menninger (not messinger). She's awesome. She has helped me to start running with better form and also challenges me some great work outs. She's going to help me through my spring and fall races, and shave time. I did 4 great miles, all under 13 min miles. Last year at this time I was sitting around not doing running and being overwhelmed. The miles today I challenged myself to beat a 13 min mile. After Saturday I firmly believe that I can maintain a 12:20 for at least a 10k, if not more. I have yet to set my goal for my next half marathon, but it's going to be AWESOME! When I went into the run I realized I was going too fast for my usual pace, but I was breathing without wheezing, or losing my breath. When I got to mile 4, it was a big moment, because I accepted the challenge to run faster for that mile when I wasn't required to. I did what an article in Runner's World suggested and...

Run on 3-15-14, long run with mid range speed work

Yesterday was my long run, I was busy with getting this for Ragnar figured out, as well as spending some time gaming (I should have been doing homework). So I didn't get home until around 9, when I started work on some things for church today. It was a lot of being busy yesterday. But here I am to report on my run. I did 7 miles (in my Torins) and made it through doing what I was suppose to, 4 miles slower, then 3 miles faster than the 4. I think I can keep up my 12+ min pace for longer than three miles. Which has me excited. I was only huffing and puffing when I increased my pace to 11:30 mile, or faster. Both mile 1 and 4 were under 14 minutes, I stopped to take some photos on mile 4, and was getting to the start of the trail for mile 1. It's nice getting faster, the fartlek's and other speed drills have been very helpful. I owe a lot to Lisa Messinger for helping out with everything so far. So I ran on the Murdock Canal Trail yesterday. It was nice to another tra...

3-13-14 Speed Work... Speed Work... Speed Work!

Today I did speed work. My run was ho hum until I started my speed work. At mile 2 it started, I picked up pace to just under a 10 minute mile. I continued it for half a mile, slowed down to my 13:30ish pace, then after a half mile boosted back up to my faster pace again. I did that a total of three times. Holy, that third half mile I thought I would be able to maintain the hard breathing pace pace, but I was winded. It was tough. Weight wise (if you didn't see my Facebook post) I have lost 40 lbs. since I started running last may. 20 of that has been since January. After my marathon I put back on 10 lbs. and went back to 306 lbs. I am now down to 286 lbs. My goal for the next three months is another 20 lbs. If I keep to my training and watching my caloric intake, and change what I eat a bit more, I should be able to do it easily. My goal weight is currently 240 lbs. But when I get there I will evaluate if I want to lose more. When I first started I was wearing a size 44 pan...

3-12-14 When a short run becomes long

Today I made it to the gym for a few miles, and really struggled to get them in. They just seemed to drag out forever! I wish I could have done it all yesterday. Tomorrow I have speed drills in the morning, it will be nice. I need to get to work on some drawing, thanks for taking a minute to read this little post. -Riley

3-10-14 Running with my Wife

I got back from my run just over 4 hours ago. It was a real eye opener for me. I had the chance to run again with my wife (who is amazing) and got to experience running like it was when I had only been doing it for a little while. She is in better shape than I was when I first started, and will be better than me at running if she decides to keep at it. But it was nice to get a peak at where I have been, and compare it to where I am now. I have come a long way in 10 months. My last mile on my splits is the one I did with my wife. I also did part of mile 4 with her,, otherwise I would have run too hard and exhausted myself before my run tomorrow. Now that I have determined I can run in my Altra's again, I will be starting up my rotation with my shoes again. So I will do all of my runs in my Altra's this week (which should put me close to 180 miles on them at the end of the week). I really like the zero drop platform for a shoe. I don't experience the heel dragging at all...

3-8-14 The extra long run

Alright, my long run was a good run. I ran more than I thought I would. I was only supposed to run 11 miles, but messed up my distance tracking at the beginning. I realized it when I reached mile 4 (which is at an entrance to a park with a route that forks, that's the only way I know). So at the end of my run, it said I ran 10.72 miles, until I made the map adjustment, and it added an extra mile. My average pace would have let me finish a half marathon at the same speed I ran my previous one at. So I am looking forward to see what kind of time I will be able to finish the SLC half in. I will be using that race day magic to see how fast I can finish. My wife is doing a couch to 5k (or at least that's what she has told me). Our local running store has a training program that's being sponsored by Altra shoes (which is a local company). I think I will be trying to run in my Altra again this week. I do have the additional run, so I will have an additional chance to run in...

3-6-14 Third time is the charm

Today I got dressed to run 3 times and the third time is when I finally made it out the door. I really wanted to run outside today, but each time I just couldn't get myself to do it. It was so hard, so by the time I got out it was pouring rain and the gym. I saw someone I am in classes with and talked to him for a few minutes (which was good). So today was speed drills. They kicked my butt. I started out with a 2 mile warm up, then 4 minutes at a 10:30 pace, then down to a 14:00. Then back up to 10:45 for 4 minutes, then back down to 14:00 for 3 minutes, finished with a 11:00 pace, then did an easy run my last half a mile. The reason I wanted to go outside and run was because I had this awesome 5 mile run planned. I will make up for these 4 indoor miles on Saturday with my 11 mile long run. For my run Saturday I will be loading up on the Salted Carmel and the Peanut Butter GU. I may bring my sports beans with me since I found a bunch in my gym bag. Starting Monday I will be ...

3-4-14 Running in the Rain

What a day today, I went to SLC, and it started to lightly rain as I was driving. By the time I got to where my coach was, it was pouring rain. It continued to do so until after I got groceries. Which I did in my running clothes (I lived life on the edge with that one). So I ran in the rain today, and was supposed to do 2 easy miles then increase speed for #3 and increase speed again for #4. So I thought I did for number three, but was caught at two busy roads (which I am convinced took a minute of my time). while I was running it was nice to have a pocket that wouldn't make my shorts fall down (which are too big for me and need to be replaced). By the time I got back to the Salt Lake Running Company (which is our starting point and finishing point of Tuesday runs), I was soaked. The other runners were also wet, only one person brought a towel to dry off and it wasn't me. I ended up buying a new running shirt, another runner did the same, and one other picked up new shor...

3-1-14 Long Runs Mean Extra Food

One of my favorite things about long runs is that I get to eat more. So tonight I am going to enjoy some Japanese curry. It's delicious and even more so when you are really hungry. I made it 8.6 miles then drove home and changed to go to the gym to finish my run. The trail was closed at the 3.4 mile mark and I was too big of a woos to bend the rules to finish my run outside. This is horrible I am too hungry to focus so I am going to make some dinner. Thanks for Reading, Riley